Executive search

The roles we recruit for are demanding and require hard-earned, specialist skill sets.

For that reason, we have a carefully crafted process designed to source the best talent. Not only is this process built on a solid understanding of the market, but it’s also guided by your unique needs.

Our step by step process

Step 1 - Briefing

A successful search is always based on an in-depth understanding of your business and your requirements. We’ll get all the important voices around the table to understand who and what you want from the recruitment process. We become part of your team, carrying your values with us when engaging with candidates

Step 2 - Candidate profile

What’s more, before we start our search, we submerge ourselves in your brand, enabling us to pursue candidates that fit not just your preferred skill profile but also your company culture

Step 3 - Setting Targets

We’ll agree timelines, targets and search parameters giving you input into all aspects of the search. This transparency means you’re always kept up to date with the search and get frequent updates on progress.

Step 4 - Talent sourcing

Combining careful research and our extensive network with the understanding we gained in steps one and two, we begin the talent sourcing process, utilising all tools at our disposal to find the best talent.

Step 5 - Candidate approach

Once we’ve found high-quality candidates, we will begin our approaches. Leaning on our industry knowledge, we’ll approach candidates as your ambassadors, operating with respect and in accordance with your brand values.

Step 6 - Shortlisting

After establishing the strongest pool of candidates, we’ll present you with a shortlist accompanied by candidate profiles that highlight everything from strengths to past experience.

Step 7 - Interviews and referencing

We provide support throughout the interviewing process, arranging logistics with candidates and providing feedback as needed. We will also conduct thorough referencing to de-risk the hiring process as much as possible.

Step 8 - Offer management

While liaising with you closely after the interview and referencing process, we’ll establish any offers you’d like to make and negotiate with your selected candidate on your behalf. We’ll aim for a result that’s good for both parties and will do all we can to solve problems and remove obstacles.

Step 9 - Post placement

Keeping in close contact with you and your new hire, we’ll provide support to help bed them into you company optimally and with minimal friction.

Considering your career options or need to discuss hiring strategies?